What Is Smart Contract And How It Works

13 min read

Oct 11, 2024

Explore smart contracts: their origins, functionality, use cases, and future. Learn how these self-executing contracts are revolutionizing various industries.

what are smart contracts

Smart contracts have emerged as a revolutionary concept, promising to reshape how we conduct business, manage agreements, and execute transactions. But what exactly are smart contracts, and why are they generating so much buzz in the tech and business communities?

This comprehensive guide will take you on a journey through the world of smart contracts, from their conceptual origins to their practical applications and future potential. This article will provide you with a solid understanding of smart contracts and their transformative power.

The Origins of Smart Contracts

Nick Szabo smart contracts

The concept of smart contracts has its roots in the early days of digital technology and cryptography. In 1994, Nick Szabo, a computer scientist, legal scholar, and cryptographer, first introduced the idea of smart contracts.

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Szabo, who had previously worked on an electronic currency called "Bit Gold" (often considered a precursor to Bitcoin), envisioned a digital protocol that could facilitate, verify, and enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract without the need for intermediaries.

Szabo's vision was inspired by the vending machine model, which he saw as a primitive ancestor of smart contracts. Just as a vending machine automatically dispenses a product when the correct amount of money is inserted, Szabo imagined digital contracts that could automatically execute when predefined conditions were met.

The core principles Szabo outlined for smart contracts included:

  1. Observability: The ability to verify the contract's performance.
  2. Verifiability: The capacity to prove the contract's terms have been met.
  3. Privacy: Limiting access to the contract's details to only the involved parties.
  4. Enforceability: Ensuring the contract's terms are carried out as agreed.

However, the technology required to implement Szabo's vision fully didn't exist at the time. The concept of smart contracts remained largely theoretical for nearly two decades, discussed primarily in academic and cryptography circles.

The breakthrough came with the advent of blockchain technology, particularly with the launch of Ethereum in 2015. Ethereum's programmable blockchain provided the perfect foundation for implementing smart contracts as Szabo had envisioned. Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum's creator, cited Szabo's work as a significant influence on the platform's development.

Since then, smart contracts have evolved from a theoretical concept to a practical, transformative technology, finding applications across various industries and sparking innovation in fields like decentralized finance (DeFi), supply chain management, and digital identity verification.

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How Do Smart Contracts Work?

how smart contracts work

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They run on blockchain networks, primarily Ethereum, and automatically execute when predetermined conditions are met. Here's a simplified explanation of their operation:

  1. Contract Creation: Developers write the smart contract code, defining the rules and conditions.
  2. Deployment: The contract is deployed to a blockchain network.
  3. Triggering: When predefined conditions are met, the contract automatically executes.
  4. Verification: The network's nodes verify the execution, ensuring transparency and trust.
  5. Action: The contract performs the specified actions, such as transferring assets or data.

Key Features of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts possess several unique characteristics that set them apart from traditional contracts and make them particularly valuable in the digital age:

1. Autonomy

Smart contracts operate independently, without the need for intermediaries. Once deployed, they execute automatically based on predefined conditions, reducing reliance on third parties and minimizing the potential for manipulation or interference. This self-executing nature ensures that contractual obligations are fulfilled without manual oversight.

2. Transparency

All parties can view the contract terms and execution process. The code of a smart contract is typically open and accessible on the blockchain, allowing stakeholders to verify its logic and functionality. This transparency builds trust among participants and reduces the likelihood of disputes arising from misunderstandings or hidden clauses.

3. Speed and Efficiency

Automated processes eliminate manual paperwork and reduce processing time. Smart contracts can execute complex transactions and agreements in a fraction of the time it would take through traditional methods. This increased efficiency is particularly valuable in fast-paced industries where time is a critical factor.

4. Accuracy

By removing human intervention, smart contracts minimize errors in execution. The code-based nature of smart contracts ensures that once the conditions are met, the contract executes exactly as programmed, without the risk of human error or misinterpretation.

This precision is crucial in complex agreements where even small mistakes can have significant consequences.

5. Trust

Cryptographic security and decentralized verification ensure contract integrity. Smart contracts leverage blockchain technology's inherent security features, making them extremely difficult to tamper with or forge.

The decentralized nature of blockchain networks means that contract execution is verified by multiple nodes, further enhancing trust in the system.

6. Cost-Effective

Automation reduces the need for intermediaries, lowering transaction costs. By eliminating or reducing the role of middlemen such as lawyers, brokers, or notaries, smart contracts can significantly decrease the costs associated with creating, executing, and enforcing agreements. This cost-efficiency makes complex transactions more accessible to a wider range of participants.

5 Common Use Cases of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts have found applications across various industries, revolutionizing traditional processes and opening up new possibilities for businesses and individuals:

1. Financial Services

Automating loans, insurance claims, and derivatives trading. Smart contracts enable faster, more secure financial transactions, from peer-to-peer lending platforms to automated insurance payouts based on predefined conditions.

They can also facilitate complex financial instruments like derivatives, ensuring that trades are executed precisely and settlements are processed instantly.

2. Supply Chain Management

Tracking product origin, quality control, and logistics. Smart contracts can create tamper-proof records of a product's journey from manufacturer to consumer, enhancing transparency and traceability.

They can automate quality control processes, trigger payments upon successful delivery, and even manage inventory levels across complex supply networks.

3. Real Estate

Facilitating property transfers, rental agreements, and escrow services. Smart contracts can streamline property transactions by automating title transfers, managing rental agreements, and holding funds in escrow until all conditions of a sale are met. This can significantly reduce the time and complexity involved in real estate deals.

4. Healthcare

Managing patient records, drug supply chains, and insurance claims. Smart contracts can securely store and manage patient data, ensuring privacy while allowing authorized access.

They can also track pharmaceutical supply chains to combat counterfeit drugs and automate insurance claims processing, reducing administrative burdens and improving patient care.

5. Voting Systems

Ensuring transparent and tamper-proof election processes. Smart contracts can create secure, verifiable voting systems that protect voter privacy while preventing fraud.

By recording votes on a blockchain and using smart contracts to tally results, elections can become more transparent, efficient, and resistant to manipulation.

Real-World Applications of Smart Contract

Let's explore some concrete examples of smart contracts in action:

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Platforms like Aave and Compound use smart contracts to offer lending and borrowing services without traditional banks.
  • Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Smart contracts power the creation, ownership, and transfer of unique digital assets in the art and entertainment world.
  • Parametric Insurance: Companies like Etherisc use smart contracts to automate insurance payouts based on predefined conditions, such as flight delays or crop failures.
  • Supply Chain Transparency: Walmart has implemented smart contracts to track the origin and journey of food products, enhancing food safety and reducing waste.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: Platforms like Mycelia use smart contracts to manage music rights and royalty distributions for artists.

Types Of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts can be categorized based on their complexity and functionality. Understanding these different types can help in choosing the right kind of contract for specific use cases:

Simple Contracts

Basic agreements with straightforward conditions and actions. These are the most common type of smart contracts, typically involving a single function or a few simple conditions. Examples include token transfers, basic escrow services, or simple betting contracts. They're ideal for straightforward transactions where the terms are clear and don't require complex logic.

Multisig Contracts

Require multiple parties to approve before execution. These contracts add an extra layer of security by requiring multiple signatures or approvals before a transaction can be completed.

They're commonly used in scenarios where shared control or consensus is important, such as in joint bank accounts, business partnerships, or high-value transactions that require multiple authorizations.

Escrow Contracts

Hold funds or assets until specific conditions are met. These contracts act as a trusted third party, automatically releasing funds or assets when predefined conditions are satisfied. They're particularly useful in real estate transactions, freelance work agreements, or any situation where there's a need to ensure that both parties fulfill their obligations before the exchange is completed.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

Complex systems of smart contracts that govern entire organizations. DAOs represent the most sophisticated application of smart contracts, creating entire organizational structures that operate autonomously based on pre-programmed rules.

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They can handle decision-making processes, fund management, and even the evolution of their own code. DAOs are used for decentralized investment funds, open-source project governance, and experimental forms of corporate organization.

Oracle-Enabled Contracts

These contracts interact with external data sources (oracles) to trigger actions based on real-world events. They bridge the gap between blockchain and the outside world, enabling smart contracts to respond to things like stock prices, weather conditions, or sports results. These are crucial for many DeFi applications, insurance products, and prediction markets.

Upgradeable Contracts

Unlike traditional smart contracts that are immutable once deployed, upgradeable contracts can be modified or expanded over time. They use special patterns to allow for updates while maintaining the security and transparency benefits of blockchain. These are particularly useful for long-term projects that may need to adapt to changing requirements or fix unforeseen issues.

Each type of smart contract serves different purposes and comes with its own set of advantages and considerations. The choice of contract type depends on the specific requirements of the project, the level of complexity needed, and the desired balance between flexibility and security.

How to Use a Smart Contract

To interact with a smart contract:

  1. Identify a platform or decentralized application (dApp) that uses smart contracts for your desired purpose.
  2. Connect a compatible cryptocurrency wallet to the platform.
  3. Follow the platform's interface to initiate the contract interaction.
  4. Approve the transaction and pay any associated gas fees.
  5. Wait for the blockchain to process and confirm the transaction.

Popular Platforms for Smart Contracts

While Ethereum remains the most popular platform for smart contracts, several other blockchain networks support them:

1. Ethereum: The pioneer and still the largest ecosystem for smart contracts.

2. Binance Smart Chain: Offers faster and cheaper transactions, popular for DeFi applications.

3. Cardano: Focuses on academic rigor and formal verification of smart contracts.

4. Polkadot: Aims to provide interoperability between different blockchain networks.

5. Solana: Known for high speed and low transaction costs, popular among DeFi and NFT projects.

Programming Languages for Smart Contracts

Developers use various languages to write smart contracts, depending on the platform:

1. Solidity: The most popular language, primarily used for Ethereum and Ethereum-compatible chains.

2. Vyper: A Python-like language for Ethereum, designed for increased security.

3. Rust: Used for developing smart contracts on platforms like Solana and Polkadot.

4. Move: Created by Facebook for the Diem blockchain, now used in other projects.

5. Haskell: Utilized in Cardano's smart contract platform.

Gas Fees and Smart Contract Execution

Gas fees are a crucial aspect of smart contract execution, particularly on the Ethereum network:

  • Purpose: Gas fees compensate miners or validators for processing and validating transactions.
  • Calculation: Fees are based on the computational complexity of the contract execution.
  • Market Dynamics: Gas prices fluctuate based on network congestion and demand.
  • Optimization: Developers strive to write efficient code to minimize gas costs for users.
  • Alternative Solutions: Layer 2 solutions and alternative blockchains aim to reduce gas fees.

Writing Smart Contracts

Developing smart contracts requires careful planning and execution:

  • Define Clear Objectives: Outline the contract's purpose and desired outcomes.
  • Choose the Right Platform: Select a blockchain that suits your project's needs.
  • Design the Contract Logic: Map out the contract's structure and functions.
  • Implement Security Best Practices: Include measures against common vulnerabilities.
  • Test Thoroughly: Use testnets and simulation tools to verify contract behavior.
  • Audit the Code: Consider professional audits for critical contracts.
  • Deploy and Monitor: Launch the contract and monitor its performance.

Smart Contracts in Different Blockchain Networks

While the core concept remains the same, smart contracts can vary across different blockchain networks. Each platform offers unique features and trade-offs:

1. Algorand

Offers stateless smart contracts for enhanced security and scalability. Algorand's approach simplifies the development process and reduces the risk of bugs, making it an attractive option for developers prioritizing security and performance.

2. Tezos

Features formal verification to prove the correctness of smart contract code. This mathematical approach to verifying code can significantly reduce the risk of errors and vulnerabilities, making Tezos particularly suitable for high-stakes applications.

3. Avalanche

Provides high throughput and near-instant finality for smart contract execution. Avalanche's unique consensus mechanism allows for fast and secure transactions, making it well-suited for DeFi applications and other high-frequency use cases.

4. Cosmos

Enables interoperability between different blockchain networks through its Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. This allows smart contracts on one Cosmos-based chain to interact with contracts on another, opening up possibilities for cross-chain applications.

5. Stellar

While primarily known for its payment network, Stellar also supports simple smart contracts called "smart assets." These can be used to create custom tokens with built-in compliance features, making Stellar attractive for financial institutions and regulatory-compliant applications.

6. NEO

Often referred to as "China's Ethereum," NEO supports smart contracts written in multiple mainstream programming languages, including C#, Java, and Python. This lowers the barrier to entry for many developers.

7. Waves

Focuses on ease of use and accessibility, allowing users to create custom tokens and simple smart contracts without extensive programming knowledge. This makes Waves particularly suitable for tokenization projects and crowdfunding applications.

Each of these platforms offers unique advantages and is suited to different use cases. The choice of blockchain for smart contract deployment depends on factors such as security requirements, scalability needs, development ecosystem, and specific project goals.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations for Smart Contracts

As smart contracts gain prominence, legal and regulatory frameworks are evolving:

  1. Legal Status: Many jurisdictions are working to define the legal standing of smart contracts.
  2. Contract Law: Questions arise about how traditional contract law applies to smart contracts.
  3. Data Privacy: Compliance with regulations like GDPR presents challenges for blockchain-based contracts.
  4. Securities Regulations: Some smart contract-based tokens may be classified as securities.
  5. Dispute Resolution: Developing mechanisms for resolving disputes in immutable contracts.
  6. Cross-Border Transactions: Navigating international laws and regulations for global smart contracts.

The Future of Smart Contracts

The potential of smart contracts continues to expand:

  • Interoperability: Cross-chain smart contracts enabling seamless interaction between different blockchains.
  • AI Integration: Combining artificial intelligence with smart contracts for more adaptive and intelligent systems.
  • IoT Applications: Smart contracts managing and automating Internet of Things (IoT) devices and data.
  • Scalability Solutions: Advancements in blockchain technology to handle increased smart contract usage.
  • Regulatory Clarity: Evolving legal frameworks providing clearer guidelines for smart contract implementation.
  • Mainstream Adoption: Integration of smart contracts into everyday business and consumer applications.


Smart contracts represent a paradigm shift in how we conceive and execute agreements in the digital age. By automating trust and eliminating intermediaries, they have the potential to streamline processes across industries, from finance to supply chain management.

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As the technology matures and overcomes current challenges like scalability and regulatory uncertainty, we can expect smart contracts to play an increasingly central role in shaping the future of digital interactions and transactions. The journey of smart contracts from a theoretical concept to a practical, transformative technology underscores the rapid pace of innovation in the blockchain space.

As developers, businesses, and regulators continue to explore and refine smart contract applications, we stand on the brink of a new era of digital efficiency, transparency, and trust. The future of smart contracts is not just about technological advancement; it's about reimagining the very fabric of how we collaborate, transact, and build systems in our increasingly interconnected world.